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As an advocate, you can help influence important decisions that affect at-risk children and families in our community.

State government is a critical partner in furthering our work and achieving our goals. Despite the committed efforts of Utah’s nonprofit organizations and the generous support of Utah’s private sector and religious communities, our resources alone cannot achieve long-term community-level change. Public sector partnerships and investments are also needed in order to achieve lasting solutions to the challenges our communities face.

Complete a short survey and join us in improving our community, click here.

Take Action

Find your voice. Champion the cause.

Engaging in public policy advocacy is a powerful way to make a difference in people's lives. You can learn more about the issues that United Way of Salt Lake is passionate about and send an email directly to your legislators to let them know what is important to you. Utah's 2015 General Session begins on January 26th and ends at midnight on March 12th.

Action Alert: Support the Governor’s Healthy Utah Plan!

Utah is one of 24 states that has not decided if or how Medicaid should be expanded. This means 110,000 Utahns do not have access to affordable health care coverage, and 55,000 Utahns do not qualify for existing subsidies. Since the federal government will pay 100% percent of the expansion, Utah is losing $133,000 a day. Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah plan is a unique Utah solution to the Medicaid expansion question.

It closes the coverage gap by:

  • Supporting private insurance
  • Keeping your tax dollars in Utah
  • Covering whole families
  • Preventing medical bankruptcy
  • Evaluating results after 3 years
  • Allowing Utah to opt-out if the program does not work

Mail your legislators now to urge them to support the Governor's Healthy Utah Plan!

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