United Way fights for the health, education and financial  stability of every person in every community.

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of children adopted healthy behaviors


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Top Citizens Recognized

Adopt a family drive

Share your holiday cheer with a family in need in one of UWMC’s Neighborhood Network communities! Your generous gift...

Team United Way Runner

Our very own Deirdre Asnis (UWMC Director of Corporate Programs and Projects) will be running for Team United Way...

The Beauty of a Rising Son

Unfortunately, for too many reasons, thousands of kids in our city fall through the cracks in terms of development, leaving parents to their own devices (and deductions) to set the path straight.

American Bearings Breaks All Records

Thank You American Bearings for stepping up to the challenge.

Campaign Goal Announced

Our Campaign Goal was set at 5,000,000.

Celebrating Impact

Healthy Utah Plan

Healthy UtahEmail your legislators now to urge them to support the Governor's Healthy Utah Plan!

Utah is one of 24 states that has not decided if or how Medicaid should be expanded. Governor Herbert’s Healthy Utah plan is a unique Utah solution to the Medicaid expansion question. Right now, thousands of Utahns are without affordable healthcare coverage options and are caught in the “coverage gap.” Utah has an opportunity to cover more individuals and save millions of dollars through the Healthy Utah plan.

The Latest

How Can You Become Involved?

The Volunteer Reader Program has been bringing volunteers into preschools for the past 7 years.  You be involved with our program!

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Take Action Today

This week is “fiscal cut-off” in the Washington State Legislature, where bills that have been passed out of policy committees will either be passed out of fiscal committees and on to a rules committee on their path to full House and Senate consideration, or will languish and die in the fiscal committees.

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15 Weeks of Good

The Loaned Executive Program is a chance for up-and-comers at your company to develop unique skills while helping people in need.

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